Parker Nib Swappage

Today I want to talk about a procedure I discovered from FPN on how to swap nibs on a Parker Vector.

Parker vector has an infamous reputation for being a cheap, ubiquitous workhorse which is not held in very high regard by the seasoned pen enthusiast. People have various reasons for disliking it; its a cheap pen, its not comfortable to hold, its got no “pizzazz”. It is however, a very practical pen and it does write quite smoothly; an ideal pen for students.

The vector and a sheaffer targa is what put me through all of high school and I always had an affinity towards the vector.

Parker Vector Nib

The nib on a Parker Vector is a pretty standard build; triangular shape, no wings, and also no breathing hole.

The nib on the vector is seemingly interchangeable with a variety of other models, Parker 88, Parker Urban, Parker IM, and maybe many others. Continue reading